So far this year the PTA has:
- Purchased decorative cups to spell “Marshall School” on the back fence
- Purchased a copy of “Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids” for each classroom as part of Marshall’s focus on kindness in our community
- Purchased additional ipads for the classrooms
- Purchased stools for the new outdoor classroom
- Sponsored a lunch for the teachers before the start of school
- Hosted the First Day Coffee
- Funded the Ice Cream Social
- Funded the Book and Bagel Breakfast
- Funded Family Fitness Day
- Provided stipends for teachers to purchase supplies for their classrooms as they see fit

The PTA also continues to provide:
- Recess equipment such sidewalk chalk, hula hoops and playground balls.
- Coffee and water for the teachers’ lounge.
- Maintenance of the fish tanks in Marshall’s entryway
- Supplemental funding for field trips