Thursday, December 5, 2013

Book Fair A Smashing Success

Lots of treasures were dug up during the Marshall Treasure Hunt Book Fair, held November 11th through the 16th! The kids got to pick out some new favorite books, teachers filled their classrooms with new picture books and level readers, the library got tons of new titles, and families were able to get a little early holiday shopping done. Thanks to the generosity of Marshall families, friends, and teachers, the event raised more than $6,000 for the school.

The book fair is always a lot of fun for the kids, but it takes a small army of people to pull it off. Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who helped throughout the week—too many to name here, but you know who you are and how much we appreciate you!

To help promote reading during the book fair, Principal Samuels agreed to let kids vote on what costume she will wear for an entire day this month, in exchange for an extra five minutes of reading a day. The choices were a pirate, or a surprise mystery costume. The kids voted overwhelmingly for the mystery costume. Everyone is excited to see what it will be! And of course, a big congratulations goes out to the winner of the Coin Guessing Game: Jarrett Jackson, a second grader from Mrs. Tinari's class won a free book with a guess of 406 gold coins. Well done, Matey!